Latest news concerning La Revenante

January 5 ,2011

Follow this link to see a slide show of images from the School of the Sailor 2010 at Kingston, Ontario

July 31 ,2010

Follow this link to see some pictures of La Revenante during an 1812 battle re-enactment at Sackets Harbour, NY

July 15 ,2010

Follow this link to see some pictures of La Revenante alongside at Prescott before heading across the river to Ogdensburg for weekend event.

June 26 ,2010

Follow this link to see a schedule for two events the ship will take part in July between the 13th to 18th. New pictures too.

June 12 ,2010

La Revenante is taking part in her first event this weekend in Kingson Ontaio, "The School of the Sailor", where re-enactors learn seamanship skills on both Longboats and on the Mother ship La Revenante herself. Come back here and see more pictures.

May 31,2010

Due to a mix up in the Trucker getting the required Permits, La Revenante will now be trucked to Kingston on Thursday June 3 and launched later Thursday or Friday morning.

May 23,2010

- La Revenante will be trucked to Kingston for launching this Friday, May 28,2010

Follow this link to see a few new images relating to work recently done.

May 21,2010

- La Revenante is finally launching after an extensive re-fit.

- It maintains it's focus as an historical re-enactment vessel.

- It welcomes the participation of those interested in these activities as well as those whose interest is simply in sailing!

- It intends to complete an ambitious schedule this season which includes events on Lake Ontario as well as an extended cruise up the lakes to Chicago.

- Interested parties are invited to communicate with us. We are looking for crew and re-enactors interested in taking part in some of these events and voyages. Please contact Vernon Fairhead at 819-647-5544 or by email (
or John Wootton at (

Follow this link to see images of the ship in her new colors and out from under the enclosure where she has been undergoing all this work. More images to follow in days to come.

October 13 ,2007

A work party was hard at it today, consisting of Vern and Dr John, Tony Fowler and future son-in-law Ryan, as well as Donny Craig and Harry Foster  You can see what they got up to here. 

May 17,2007

Dr John Wootton has put out the 3rd issue of La Revenate Newsletter with some important information regarding the ship and this season. You can view it here. 

May 5,2007

Dr. Wootton and Vern Fairhead have put out a revised fee structure for sailing on La Revenante. See it here.

April 27,2007

More work took place this weekend with Don Craig and Kit Morgan staying over to get some serious stuff done. Vern, Dr John were there as well and Harry Foster came up for a few hours as well. Follow this link to see what Don and Kit were working on. 

March 4,2007

Spring is coming and the warmer temperatures make the work on the ship that much more pleasant. Follow this link to learn what was done today.

March 6,2007

Dr John Wootton has put out the 2nd issue of La Revenate Newsletter. You can view it here if you have not already seen it.

February 3,2007

A very cold day to work on a sailing ship, but good work was done. Follow this link to see some of what was done.

November 19,2006

One of the things that need renewing on the ship, are the chain-plates. Follow this link to see the progress.

November 13,2006

This was a good day without wind that we could put a new cover over the ship.

November 11,2006

Dr John Wootton today put out the first issue of La Revenate Newsletter. You can view it here if you have not already seen it.

November 6,2006

Follow this link to see Dr. John Wootten's latest info on his Blog site, dated today

November 2,2006

Follow this link to see Dr. John Wootten's latest info on his Blog site, dated today

October 29,2006

Another work day on La Revenante, but due to the inclement weather, it was not a good day to have a crowd of people working.  To see what was done today, follow this link.

October 1,2006

This was a work-day on the vessel and to see who attended and what was done, follow this link.