Chain Plate making, November 19,2006

The chain plates on La Revenante needed to be replaced as some of them were actually rusted through.  We did have one good one, to use as a pattern for all the rest that needed to be made over. I made a jig in order to make the eye that the bolt would pass through in order to connect to the shrouds. You can see here, the stock in the forge as it is almost ready to be put in the jig, and this next shot shows what it looks like after it had been hammered around the round-stock to form the eye. This final shot, shows the completed chain-plate in another jig, used to put the other two bends in.  All that is still to be done is to drill the holes.

There are 12 of these to be made for the ship, but now the jigs have been made and the first one done, the rest will not take as long.

Harry Foster