Revised Fee Structure, May 5, 2007

" The owners of La Revenante are acutely aware of the important contribution of volunteers to the effort to get the ship to her launch date, and feel it important to reflect this in the contributions requested from potential crew. With this in mind the following contribution schedule has been developed:

- Contributions while voyaging are of two kinds: (a) Passage (b) Meals

- All persons are required to participate in the 'Meal' contribution schedule which is set at $250/week

- The additional 'Passage' contribution is an additional $250/week

- Volunteers who contribute their time will have their 'passage' contribution reduced by 10% per day of work ( or equivalent) provided. ( ie: 1 day of work = 10% reduction; 10 days of work = 100% reduction)

- During 'shake-down' cruises invited crew are requested to contribute to the cost of meals, but incur no other charges.

- For the purposes of these calculations a 'day' is defined as the presence on-board, overnight, of an individual or his/her belongings.

It is our hope that this schedule fairly treats individuals who have contributed time and energy to this project, as well as providing a 'working vacation' at reasonable cost, to others."