Work Party February 03,2007

There has been lots of work done since last fall but photos have not been available to document all that has been done. Lots of work in the interior, including the installation of a new stove that helps keep the ship warm for those working inside. More planks done on the bow section. See this image to see the last ones done. And here we see some new rib sections that Vern Fairhead has recently fitted.

On this day John Staunton started off taking out the hawsepipe hardware as the wood that supports them has to be replaced.

Then came the process of making a new section of covering board for the starboard side towards the aft. Here they are on deck discussing how to proceed. Here we see John Staunton doing the final cut of the outside of the board that will match the curve of the hull shape. Here we see the board fitted and if John looks cold, it is because it really was cold as the afternoon wore on.

Meanwhile John Wootten was working inside in the interior and keeping us outside supplied with great hot-chocolate made on the ships stove. Here we see him contemplating his next move.

Harry Foster