The Thousand Islands Gunboat Weekend

This new event replaces the "Yeo Cup" that was planned for this year.


A celebration of our river's History and Heritage.

Some images from this years event.

July 11-12, 1998

St. Lawrence Islands National park, Mallorytown Landing, Ontario, Canada


* The 'Captain Owen's Tankard' Longboat Races

* The 'Engagemeet in the Islands' War of 1812 Navel Skirmish

* Landing of the United Empire Loyalists (Soldiers, Civilians & Mohawks)

* Rededication of the Display of the Gunboat 'Radclife'

* Sailor's Encampment, Naval Museum Artifacts, period Musick & Foods.

We offer participating re-enactors the following attractions:

* Indoor/outdoor facitlies with showers, meals, firewood, straw, etc.

*Historic activities with a strong navla focus-run by True Jolly Tars.

* Sailing in waters Native Americans called 'The Garden of the Great Spirit'.

* Secure on-site boat launching, docking and vehicle parking.

* A chance to win unique naval prizes and receive a classic medallion.

* An exciting re-enactment weekend 10 minutes from the border.

For details or information package call 1-613-923-2251/52 daytime, 1-613-923-5987 evenings, Fax 613-923-2421 or check our website.

The location for the race (from the yeo Cup) has been moved about 40 kilometres east to the former Gunboat Station (and current site of the Gunboat 'Radcliffe') at Mallorytown Landing, Ontario - deep in the heart of the picturesque and historically significant Thousand Island region.

The planning of this weekend is being handled by the River Heritage Committee: comprised of experienced historical re-enactors, local officials, Parks Canada personnel and other interested members of the Thousand Island community. Included in this group of volunteers are Seaman Robin Morris, newspaper publisher and prime organizer of the very successful Prescott Loyalist Days Military Pageant for over a decade and Naval Advisor Captain Victor Suthren, naval historian, and author, responsible for such events as the 1995 Louisburg Squadron and the 1997 lake Champlain Squadron.

We believe this is going to be an extraordinary event. You willhave the opportunity to test your mettle against other open boat enthusiasts from the U.S. and Canada amidst some of the most incredible scenery in the world. As experienced naval re-enactors, we feel we wknow what it takes to make a 'fun' and relaxing event that you are going to want to return to for years to come. Please give serious consideration to attending.

Details of Actual Events

Saturday, July 11, 10am start


Named in honour of Captain William FitzWilliam Owen, the British Admiralty Hydrographer who surveyed the region in 1816 and gave many of the islands the names of Napoleonic War heroes and battles. This competition is for traditionally rigged open boats which recreate in appearance the longboats, gunboats, whalers, gigs, cutters, etc of the period 1700 to 1850. They will be crewed by re-enactors in historically accureatre outfits and will be propelled only by oars and sails during the race itself. All modern safety requirements will be adhered to.

The race will be a cannon start from the Landing beach and will follow the small vessel channel 5 nautical miles west, pause for a 'pipe stop' on Tar Island (Rockport) , and return downriver to the beach - a distance of approximately 5 nautical miles in each direction. A second shorter race to Chimney Island is possibel on Sunday morning if sufficent interest exists

* NOTE Prizes identical or similar in quality to those originally planned for the YEO CUP willb e awarde in such categories as Historical Accuracy, Fastest Boat and Seamanship. All re-enactors participating in the 'Tankard' races will receive the 'GUNBOAT MEDALLION' and draws will be held among all crews for other prizes.

Sunday, July 12

11 a.m. - Landing of the United Empire Loyalists and Rededication of the Mallorytown Gunboat Display

All boats participating in the 'Captain Owen's Tankard' races are invited to join in a re-enactment fo the Landing of the United Empire Loyalist soldiers and civlilians who claimed their Crown Land grants in this area after leaving America because of the Rebellion. An invitation will also be issued to the Tyendanega Mohawks, who re-enact their own landing each year. Immediately following this event we will be holding a ceremonial rededication of the display of the British Gunboat 'Radcliffe'. The building which houses the wreck will be filled with marine artifacts loaned from museums and private sources and brought in specifically for display during this weekend. It will be a celebration of the role that British Navy, Provincial Marine units and Gunboat Stations played in the history of the Thousand Islands.

1 p.m. - 'Engagement in the Islands' War if 1812 Naval Skirmish

Participating boats are also invited to participate in the re-enactment of skirmishes between U.S. British and Canadian naval units which occurred as Col. Wilkinson's U.S. Naval and Land forces moved downriver to attack Montreal. Skirmish will be outside Parks boundary.

Additional Weekend Activities

Square Riggged Ships- Plans are currently underway to arrange for the presence and participation of larger square rigged ships such as Fair Jeanne, Royalist and /or st Lawrence 11 for all or part of the weekend. Might as well let the big boys play too!

Antique Boat Displays - Locally owned St. Lawrence skiffs and other similar traditional and vintage oared and sailing boats will be displayed on-site throughout the weekend.

Boat Tours Arrangements are being made with a local Boat Tour company to provide free tours for interested re-enactors through the Thousand Islands area. This will give you an opportunity to see such famous historica sites as the ' Lost Channel' and Boldt Castle.

Period Sailor's Encampment - Participating boat crews will be provide period camping facilities in a Sailor's Encampment in the Park's campsite on the north side of the Scenic Parkway. Showers will be available. Optional indoor accomodation will also be available with sufficient prior notice. Meals or meal fixings will be provided, as will straw and firewood.

Sutlers/ Craftspeople - Vendors and maker of period items such as tin lanterns, metalware, leatherware, etc, will be setting up their displays in the area just east of the Landing entrance as will be blacksmiths, tinsmiths, carpenters and boat makers.

Period Musick - Musicians from the area will be providing period music for your entertainment. A large Marquee tent is being arranged for this purpose.

Community Historic B.B.Q. - A special Saturday meal will be cooked on-site. Re-enactors eat free.

More details to follow