Boats and crews that have signed up to take part.

1. Bytown Brigantine (2 whaleboats)
2. Atlantic Challenge (l Bantry Bay Boat, 1 Cowhorn)
3. Andrew Fisher, Vermont (1 yawl boat)
4. Peter Rindlisbacher, Amherstburg (1 oared cutter)
5. HMCS STAR, Hamilton (I whaleboat)
6. Chief of Maritime Staff, DND, Ottawa (1 whaleboat)
7. Canadian Navy (Atlantic), Halifax, (1 whaleboat)
8. Friends of Fort George, Niagara-on-the-lake (1 bateau)
9. Scouts Canada, Ottawa-Hull (1 Durham Boat)
10. Jerry Powell, Waco, Texas (1 longboat)
11. Steve Eftimadas, New York (2 whaleboats)
12. Jonathan Watson, Gananoque, Ontario (1 whaleboat)
13. Canadian Hydrographic Association, Burlington (1 longboat)
14. HBMS Royal George Society, Penetanguishene (1 whaleboat)
15. Harry Foster, (Longboat 'Raven')

Total to date (3 October 1997): 17 boats. More are expected.

The start is envisaged as a simple line (e.g. between the Committee Vessel and the end of the RMC jetty) which can be crossed as soon as the starting gun is fired. Rules of the Road then apply, with the vessels under oars to act as Vessels under Power. Vessels may propel themselves with any mixture of oars or sails they choose as long as it is historical equipment of the vessel; rowing in light airs is fully acceptable, and so on. After vessels cross each leg's finish line the judges will assess points based on (a) time over the course (b) historical accuracy, (c) evidence of seamanship, and (d) adherence to competition regulations.