Crew and Passengers

La Revenante normally operates with a crew of seven, but can be safely operated by as few as four persons. Her day deck passenger capacity is fifteen, and her deck space allows for an alongside Reception and hospitality capacity of up to 30 under her deck awning.

See revised Fee Structure here

The Cost Of Sailing In La Revenante

As is common with all current non-profit sail training and historical display vessels, their operation is supported by assessing fees to those who sail in the ship.

The Schooner La Revenante Association Board and the owners of the vessel have established that for all individuals who apply for and are assigned a berth in the schooner for voyages or activities it may undertake, a crewing fee of $ CAN 75.00 per full day will be charged to them.

Individuals who have provided volunteer work in support of the ship’s restoration, maintenance and preparation will be granted discounts to their fees in proportion to the amount of work they have contributed, at a rate to be decided by the owners and the Association Board.

The crewing fee covers the costs of the participant’s presence in the vessel, including meals, and is assessed in return for an agreement on the part of the participant that he/she is to serve as working Volunteer Crew as the vessel may require.

A special category of supernumary berths may be offered at the discretion of the owners and the Association Board, which allows the individual passage in the ship but makes no requirement for work other than adherence to the Captain’s orders and any actions related to the ship’s safety. The supernumary fee will be set at a higher level than the crewing fee, and will be determined by the owners and the Association Board, taking into account the cost of having a non-working berth in the ship, and other considerations