Woody, the best darn firewood carrier, by Harry Foster

Woody, the best darn firewood carrier
Paulene and Woody
Woody, the best darn firewood carrier

Woody, the best darn firewood carrier, by Harry Foster

They say "that necessity is the mother of invention", and that is certainly what made me design Woody the best darn firewood carrier. Living in the country, and having an Airtight stove, one just has to move a certain amount of firewood. I found this an awkward job and one that could easily put strain on your back. This design allows the weight to be carried in such a way that the back is not stressed in any way. Not only easier on the back, but it keeps your clothes clean too.

You put Woody over the shoulder as shown (or just over one shoulder) and then load it with the wood. You can now carry the wood from your supply into the house and as you notice, one hand is free to open and close doors.  You can even slip the wood handle behind the straps and have two hands free.  The fabric for the current version of Woody is different from the original (in center photo) in that it is stain and water resistant and will stay looking like new for a longer period.  The strap is adjustable to ensure the correct fit. The cost for Woody is $39.95

Woody, the best darn firewood carrier
by Harry Foster
819-682-5059 fosters@videotron.ca

Located in West Quebec, Canada