Images from the Haida canoe and "Royaliste" event. (more to come)

This is an event that took place on the West Coast in 1796 between the Haida and an American trading vessel "The Lady Washington". What started out as a simple trading situtaion, later, through misunderstanding turned into a nasty event that resulted in a number of he natives being killed.

Click on a small image to learn (and see) more.

XXXXXXXX Taking a wee rest afore the action.

XXXXXXXX The Haida approach the Royaliste.

XXXXXXXX Glenn Forrester on the "Royaliste".

XXXXXXXX Haida canoe and the "Royaliste".

XXXXXXXX Receiving the canoe.

XXXXXXXXPrepare to board.

XXXXXXXX Back to civilization

XXXXXXXX Coming alonside.

XXXXXXXX The Captains bride. .

XXXXXXXX Glenn Forrester looking relaxed.

XXXXXXXX A busy crew.

XXXXXXXXMaster of the Canoe.

XXXXXXXX Trading under way.