The Battle of Plattsburg

British Documents

The Admiralty, London, 26 November 1814.

Letter from Commodore Sir James Lucas Yeo, Commander-in-Chief of his     Majesty`s Ships and Vessels on the Lakes of Canada, to John Wilson Croker, Esq, dated on board HMS St.   LAWRENCE, at Kingston, 24 September 1814.


I have the honour to transmit, for the information of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, a copy of a letter from Capt, Pring, late commander of his Majesty`s brig LINNET.

It appears to me, and I have good reason to believe, that Capt. Downie was urged, and his ship hurried into action, before she was in a fit state to meet the enemy.

I am also of the opinion that there was not the least necessity for our squadron giving the enemy such decided advantages, by going into their bay to engage them; even had they been successful, it would not in the least assisted the troops in storming the batteries; whereas if our troops had taken their batteries first, it would have obliged the enemy`s squadron to quit the bay, and given ours a fair chance.
I have the honour to be, etc.

James Lucas Yeo


Letter from Capt. Daniel Pring R.N. to Commodore Sir James Yeo.

United States Ship SARATOGA, Plattsburg-Bay
Lake Champlain, Sept 12 1814


The painful task of making you acquainted with the the circumstances attending the capture of his Majesty`s squadron yesterday, by that of the Americans under Commodore M`Donough, it grieves me to state, becomes my duty to perform, from the ever-to-be-lamented loss of that worthy and gallant officer, Captain Downie, who unfortunately fell early in the action.

In consequence of the earnest solicitation of his Excellency, Sir G. Prevost, for the co-operation of the naval force on this Lake to attack that of the enemy, who were placed for support of their works at Plattsburg, which it was proposed should be stormed by the troops, at the same moment the naval action should commence in the bay; every possible exertion was used to accelerate the armament of the new ship, that the military movements might not be postponed at such an advanced season of the year, longer than was absolutely necessary.

On the 3rd inst. I was directed to proceed in command of the flotilla of gun-boats to protect the left flank of our army advancing towards Plattsburg, and, on the following day, after taking possession and patroling the Isle La Motte, I caused a battery of three long 18-pdr guns to be constructed for the support of our position abreast of Little Chazey, where the supplies for the army were ordered to be landed.

The fleet came up on the 8th inst , but for the want of stores for the equipment of the guns, could not move foreward until the 11th; at daybreak we weighed, and at seven were in full view of the enemy`s fleet; consisting of a ship, brig, schooner, and one sloop, moored in line abreast of their encampment, with a division of five gun-boats on each flank; at forty minutes past seven, after the officers commanding vessels and the flotilla had received their final instructions as to the plan of attack, we made sail in order of battle. Capt. Downie had determined on laying his ship athwart-hawse of the enemy`s directing Lieut. M`Ghee (M`Ghie is correct spelling)of the CHUBB to support me in the LINNET, in engaging the brig to the right, and Lieut. Hicks, of the FINCH, with the flotilla of gun-boats, to attack the schooner and the sloop on the left of the enemy`s line.

At eight the enemy`s gunboats and smaller vessels commenced a heavy and galling fire on our line; at ten minutes after eight, the CONFIANCE having two anchors shot away from her larboard bow, and the wind baffling was obliged to anchor (though not in the situation proposed), within two cable`s length of her adversary; the LINNET and the CHUBB soon after took their alloted stations, something short of that distance, when rthe crews on both sides cheered and commenced a spirited and close action; a short time, however, deprived me of the valuable services of Lieut. M`Ghee, who, from having his cables, bowsprit and main-boom shot away, drifted within the enemy line and was obliged to surrender.

From the light airs and the smoothness of the water, the fire aon both sides proved very destructive from the commencement of the engagement, and with the exception of the brig, that of the enemy seemed united against the CONFIANCE. After two hours severe conflict with our opponents she cut her cable, run down and took shelter between the ship and the schooner, which enabled us to direct our fire against the division of the enemy gun-boats and ship, which had so long annoyed us during our close engagement with the brig without any return on our part; at this time the fire of the enemy ship slackened considerably, having several of her guns dismounted, when she cut her cable, and winded her larboard broadside to bear on the CONFIANCE, who, in vain, eneavoured to effect the same operation; at thirty-three minutes after two, I was much distressed to see that the CONFIANCE had struck her colours. The whole attention of the enemy force then became directed towards the LINNET, the shattered and disabled state of the masts, sails, rigging and yards, precluded the most distant hope of being able to effect an escape by cutting the cable; the result of doing so must, in a few minutes, have been her drifting alongside the enemy`s vessels, close under our lee; but in the hope that the flotilla of gun-boats, who had abandoned the object assigned them, would perceive our wants and and come to our assistance, which would afford a reasonable prospect of being towed clear, I determined to resist the then destructive cannonading of the whole of the enemy`s fleet, and at the same time, despatched Lieut. H. Drew to ascertain the state of the CONFIANCE. At forty-five minutes after ten I was appraissed of the irreperable loss she had sustained by the death of her brave commander ( whose merits it would be presumption in me to extol), as well as the great slaughter which had taken place on board, and observing from the manoeuvers of the flotilla, that I could enjoy no further expection of relief, the situation of my noble comrades who had so nobly fought, and even now fast falling by my side, demanded the surrender of his Majesty`s brig entrusted to my command to prevent a useless waste of valuable lives, and at the request of the surviving officers and men, I gave the painful orders for the colours to be struck.

Lieut. Hicks of the FINCH, had the mortification to strike on a reef of rocks, to the eastward of Crab Island, about the middle of the engagement, which prevented him rendering that assistance to the squadron, that might, from an officer of such ability, have been expected................ when it is taken into consideration that 16 days before the CONFIANCE was on the stocks, with an unorganized crew, composed of several drafts of men who had recently arrived from different ships at Quebec, many of whom only joined the day before and were totally unknown either to the officers or to each other, with the want of gun-locks as well as other necessary appointments not to be procured in this country, I trust you will feel satisfied of the decided advantage that the enemy possessed, exclusive of their great superiority in point of force ...............

The fine style in which Capt. Downie conducted the squadron into action amidst a tremenous fire, without returning a shot until secured, reflects the greatest credit to his memory as also on Lieuts. M`Ghee and Hicks, for so strongly attending to his example and instructions. I cannot help noticing the individual conduct of Lieut. Robertson, who succeeded to the command of the CONFIANCE, and Lieuts.Cresswick and Hornby, and Mr Pryden, the master, for their particular exertion in attempting to bring the CONFIANCE`s starboard side to bear on the enemy after most of their guns were dismounted on the My first lieutenant, Mr William Drew behaved in a most exemplary manner. By the death of Mr Paul, acting second lieutenant, the service has been deprived of a valuable and brave officer. Great credit is due to, to Mr Giles, the purser, and Mr Mitchell, the surgeon. Mr Jackson, the boatswain was killed a few moments before the action terminated. I recommend to your notice Mr Muckle, the gunner, Mr Clarke, master`s mate, Messrs. Towke and Sinclair, midshipmen, the latter of whom was wounded in the head, as well as the whole of my gallant little crew.

have much satisfaction in making you acquainted with the humane treatment the wounded have received from Commodore M`Donough. They were immediatel removed to his own hospital on Crab Island, and were furnished with every requisite. His generous and polite attention also to myself, the officers and men, will ever hereafter be gratefully remembered. Inclosed I beg leave to return you the return of killed and wounded.

I have the honour to be,


Captain, late of H.M. Sloop LINNET

A Statement of the Enemy`s Squadron engaged with his Majesty`s late Squadron on Lake Champlain, 11 September 1814

Ship SARATOGA, of 8 long 24-pounders, 12 32-pounder carronades, 6 42-pounder carronades.

Brig EAGLE, of 8 long 18-pounders, 12 32-pounder carronades.
Schooner TICONDERAGO, of 4 long 18-pounders, 10 12-pounders, 3 32-pounder carronades.

Cutter PREBLE, of 7 long 9-pounders.

Six gun boats of 1 long 24-pounder, 1 18-pounder carronade each.

Four gun boats of 1 long 12-pounder each.
Impossible to ascertain the number of men.

A Return of the Killed and Wounded on board his Majesty`s late Squadron.

CONFIANCE - 3 officers, 38 seamen and marines killed, 1 officer, 39 seamen and marines wounded.

LINNET - 2 officers, 8 seamen killed, 1 officer, 13 seamen and marines wounded.

CHUBB - 6 seamen and marines killed, 1 officer, 15 seamen and marines wounded

FINCH - 2 seamen and marines wounded.

-- TOTAL - 129

From the CONFIANCE`s crew having been landed after the action, no opportunity has offered a muster.

Names of the Officers Killed And Wounded.
Killed - CONFIANCE - G. Downie, captain; A. Anderson, capt. RM; W. Gunn, midshipman.
LINNET - W. Paul, act. lieut.; C. Jackson, boatswain.
Wounded - CONFIANCE - Lee, midshipman
LINNET - J. Sinclair, midshipman.
CHUBB - J. M`Ghee, lieut.

Charges Preferred Against the Governor General, Sir George Prevost by Commodore Sir James Yeo. (Sir George died before the investigation could be started.)

For having, on or about the 11 September, 1814, by holding out the expectation of a co-operation of the army under his command, induced Capt. Downie to attack the American squadron on Lake Champlain, when it was highly imprudent to make such an attack without the co-operation of the land forces, and for not having afforded that co-operation.
For not having stormed the American works on shore at nearly the same time that the said naval action commenced, as he had given Capt. Downie reason to expect.
For having disregarded the signal for co-operation which had been previously agreed upon, and,for not having attacked the enemy on shore, either during the said naval action, or after it was ended, whereby his Majesty`s squadron, under command of Capt. Downie might have been saved.

Sentence of A Court Martial held at Portsmouth on 28 August 1815 on Capt. Pring and the surviving officers and men of his Majesty`s late Squadron on Lake Champlain.

The court having maturely weighed the evidence, is of the opinion that the loss of HMS CONFIANCE, and the remainder of the squadron, was principally caused by their having been urged into battle previous to her being in a proper state to meet the enemy; by the promised co-operation of the land-forces not being carried into effect; and by the pressing letters of the commander-in-chief, whereby it appears that he had, on10 Sept. 1814, only waited for the naval attack to storm the enemy`s works. That the signal of approach was made, by the scaling of the guns, as settled between Capt. Downie and Major Coote; and the prommised co-operation was communicated to the other officers and crews of the British squadron before the commencement of the action. The Court is of the opinion, that the attack would would have been attended with more effect if part of the gunboats had not withdrawn themselves from the action, and others of the vessels had not been prevented by baffling winds, from getting into their assigned stations.  That Capt. Pring, of the LINNET, and Lieut. Robertson. who succeeded to the command of the CONFIANCE, and Lieut. Christopher James Bell, commanding the MURRAY, and Mr James Robertson, commanding the BERESFORD, gunboats, who appeared to take their trial at this court martial, conducted themselves with great zeal, bravery and ability, during the action; that Lieut. William Hicks, commanding FINCH, also conducted himself with becoming bravery; that the other surviving officers and men, except Lieut. M`Ghie of CHUBB, who has not appeared here to take his trial, also conducted themselves with bravery and that they all ought to be most honourably acquitted; and they are hereby most honourably acquitted.

On 18 Sept. 1815 Lieut. M`Ghie faced a court martial. The court determined that the CHUBB was not properly carried into action, nor anchored so as to do the most effectual service, by which she drifted into the line of the enemy; that it did not appear that there was any want of courage in Lieut M`Ghie and, therefore, the court did only adjudge him to be severely reprimanded.


I  would like to thank Michael Phillips and Jane Buchmann Phillips of the Maritime History Web site for making these documents available.  Their web site is at