School of the Sailor, weekend of June 11 to 13, 2004

The School Of The Sailor was a special event that took place at the Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, site of the Royal Navy dockyard of the War of 1812, by special permission of the Commandant of the College.

Quarters for all registered and 1812 uniformed participants was provided in the 'Stone Frigate' residence on the waterfront of the College grounds, at low nominal cost to each participant, for the nights of Friday, 11 June and Saturday, 12 June. The Stone Frigate was built in 1814 to house the rigging and gear of HMS Saint Lawrence, 112 guns, flagship of Sir James Lucas Yeo's Lake Ontario Squadron, and will complete a renovation in January of 2004. It is adjacent to the RMC jetty.

This event was organized by Victor Suthren, to whom we are most grateful.

The images posted below give an idea of what transpired aboard the Saint Lawrence II on the Saturday.  I will have content detail included for each photo a little later. Please click on a thumbnail to see a larger version.  At the bottom of each page there will be a link taking you to the next page of images. The slide show is still here which you can download, complete with music.  The image quality on the slide show does not reflect the quality of the originals.  There were so many good images from that day. Follow this link to download the slide show. The file is large and will take a while on dial up service, but it's worth it.

Mary playing the fiddle

readying a longboat

lauching a longboat

inside the Navy Mess

Inside the Mess

getting ready

Tall ship approches

on the dock

sailors on the deck

learning the ropes

Meeting the crew

Billy bones on a spar

2nd page of images


Web page design and production:   Harry Foster

  Created :  June 20, 2004