Rusty Dog Forge/, blacksmithing by Harry Foster

How it started

Back when he was in his early 20's, Harry Foster earned his living as a fitter and welder. He enjoyed working steel, and these were good skills to have as he worked his way around the world.  While doing this, photography became a hobby and soon blossomed into a 30 year career, Three and a half years in New Zealand and the rest at the Museum of Civilization in Canada.

in the late  90's a local TV program, Regional Contact, featured a full time Smith  (Richard Douglas of Merrickville, Ontario) that lived not too far away, and at the end of the program they said he would be starting a series of classes at the local Agricultural college in two weeks. Harry signed up the next morning and has been hooked ever since. It has been a great hobby and a nice change in the evenings and weekends from the high tech world at work, which is kinda neat too.

Contact the Rusty Dog Forge/ for a quote or discussion of your needs.