Remember When ...?
Perth Ontario
A photo based Web project by Harry Foster


Like the project Harry Foster did on the historic buildings of the old city of Hull Quebec, this is a look at the beautiful old buildings of Perth Ontario. Using old photos from various archives and new photos Harry Foster has taken, this web site is designed to show through those photographs, some of what we have, and some of what we had, and the changes we see in the intervening years help show what the town of Perth might look like in the future. 

Follow this link to go to a clickable image map where numbers indicate where images have been taken in the town of Perth. Let your mouse hover over an number to see what is below, and then click on the link to learn and see a lot more. Wait while the image transforms, from new to old, and note the changes. Use Internet Explorer for best results. You can also see a description of the numbers to the left of the map.

I hope you learn as much about Perth after visiting this site, as Harry Foster did in the making of it. Perth is a wonderful town with a rich history, preserved in its buildings, and those who lived in them. The whole town should be proud of what they have here.

Harry Foster wishes to thank Susan McNichol of the Perth Museum, and others in the Perth Heritage community for their support, encouragement and help, in finding images from the past, as well as pointing out key buildings of interest in the town of Perth Ontario. Follow these links for other sites regarding the town of Perth.

Copyright Harry Foster September, 2006